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Our Rules

It is a huge privilege that basejumping is legal in Switzerland. Please respect our rules, the jumping sites and the local farmers and authorities. We want to continue jumping and so do you.



Basejumping is self-regulated. Therefore, if you notice inappropriate behavior by other jumpers, talk to them!


Please do not advice unknown jumpers: You do not know their skill level, experience and mental state.


Please do not listen to people who try to convince you to go beyond your level of experience or skills. Take one step at a time and progress slowly. The cliffs will stay longer than anyone of us.


Study the OVERVIEW and think about which exits are suitable for you. The ratings are subjective and a recommendation.


Be aware that some exit points are not suitable for your skill level. Know your limits and don’t pull low!

Exit Board at Sputnik


General Rules

Before you start jumping, register online and purchase your Landing Card. You can buy it for 40 CHF online or use cash in Lauterbrunnen (Horner Pub, Tourist Information, Alpinebase Hostel). The Landing Card is valid for a whole year (January until December).


We strongly recommend that you have a valid skydiving license, a health insurance and a third-party liability insurance when jumping in Switzerland.


Become a member of REGA for 40 CHF/year and download the REGA application on your smartphone.


In case of an emergency call REGA at 1414 or +41 333 333 333stop jumping immediately and move away from the exit.


Lauterbrunnen Rules

Absolutely no jumping from Via Ferrata, Perkele, Flowerbox, High Ultimate, Low Ultimate between 8.30am and 2pm from March 1st to October 31st due to risk of collision with paragliders.
  • Do not fly over the Air-Glaciers helicopter base, do not pull above it, do not land on their premises.

  • All Nose exits: Do not fly over houses, do not pull above them, do not jump at night. There are families living underneath.

  • Construction of the new cable car: Call Air-Glaciers before every jump from Via Ferrata, Flower Box, Perkele, High/Low Ultimate

  • Do not pack on the premises of the church in Lauterbrunnen.

  • Do not drive from the Horner Pub to the Nose landing field (driving ban for cars and motorbikes).

  • All Staubbach exits are strictly forbidden to jump.

  • Tandem-Basejumping is not allowed.

  • Camping is only allowed on official camping sites.

Always call Air-Glaciers (+41 33 8 560 560) before jumping Yellow Ocean, La Mousse, High La Mousse, Dumpster, all Nose exits and Melchstuhl (Jungfrau).

Air Glaciers’ helicopters fly close to the wall. If you don’t call, you are putting your own and others’ lives at risk. Since you are entering a controlled airspace you are also committing a felony. Fines are 6'000 CHF or more.


Tell Air-Glaciers: Name of exit, number of jumpers, type of jump (slick, track or wingsuit)


If you don’t jump within 2 minutes after calling: CALL AGAIN!


Walenstadt Rules

Fatal Attraction Walenstadt
Do not fly the Barn line (because of cattle). Do not fly the Crack between 12pm and 4pm due to risk of collision with paragliders.
  • Do not fly over town. Only land on the main landing field below the Crack. Find more details on Jump Information.

  • Do not fly close over cattle. Animals get scared and sometimes lost.

  • Do not pack inside the gondola station.

  • Buy a landing card when jumping in Walenstadt.

  • In case of an emergency call REGA at 1414 or +41 333 333 333stop jumping immediately and move away from the exit.


Air-Glaciers & Paragliders

The valley of Lauterbrunnen is small and we share the airspace with helicopters and paragliders. Helicopters and paragliders fly often close to the wall (because of strictly defined flying routes or to find thermals). They cannot see or hear us. 


It is our responsibility to watch out for paragliders and helicopters.

If you don't call Air-Glaciers before you jump, you endanger the lives of the helicopter pilot and his passengers.


If you don't do a proper visual check before you jump, you endanger the lives of paragliders. Please be careful and we can all keep jumping!

Air-Glaciers airspace

Air-Glaciers' airspace (2.5km radius), Picture by Kenny Daniel


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